Monday, September 16, 2024

Parliament adopts EU-wide Disability and Parking Cards

24.04.2024, 14:21 Update: 25.06.2024, 12:45
Fot. EP
Fot. EP

The European Parliament has adopted new regulations regarding a Union-wide card for persons with disabilities and parking cards. The changes include, among other things, equal access to preferential conditions for people with disabilities, free extension of the validity of the card, and uniform regulations throughout the European Union.

The new rules, adopted with 613 votes in favour, 7 against and 11 abstentions and already agreed on by the Parliament and the Council, will establish an EU-wide disability card to make sure that persons with disabilities have equal access to preferential conditions, such as reduced or zero entry fees, priority access and access to reserved parking. Persons with disabilities will be able to apply for two documents – the European Disability Card and the European Parking Card for Persons with Disabilities.

Both cards will grant card holders, as well as those accompanying them and assistance animals, access to most of the same conditions as national card holders. The new rules will only apply for short stays, with an exception for disability card holders that move to another member state for a mobility programme, such as Erasmus+.

The European Disability Card will be issued in physical form and, where available, in digital format. It will be issued and renewed free of charge. Depending on the country, costs may be incurred for loss or damage of the card. The European Parking Card for Persons with Disabilities will also be issued in physical form. However, for this document, countries may decide to charge fees for the administrative costs associated with its issuance and renewal.

Documents for third-country nationals in the EU

Parliament also endorsed the provisional agreement between Parliament and Council on the extension of the EU Disability and Parking Cards to third-country nationals legally residing in the EU with 607 votes in favour, 8 votes against and 17 abstentions.

This proposal extends both cards to third-country nationals legally residing in the member states, including asylum-seekers and stateless persons, and their personal assistants, regardless of their nationality.

“The EU must advocate for equal rights for persons with disabilities within the EU. I am particularly proud that the cards will now cover certain stays longer than three months so that individuals with disabilities will have access to the card when they study abroad. The significance of the European Disability Card extends beyond simply facilitating travel; it embodies the EU's commitment to ensuring free movement for all Europeans” – said Lucia Ďuriš Nicholsonová (Renew, SK).

The agreed text will now have to be formally adopted by the Council, too, before publication in the Official Journal of the European Union and entry into force.

Source of information: European Parliament.

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