Monday, March 10, 2025

MEPs Condemn Human Rights Violations in Crimea, Kyrgyzstan, and Azerbaijan

30.12.2024, 12:40 Update: 30.12.2024, 12:44
Fot. European Parliament
Fot. European Parliament

The European Parliament has adopted three resolutions condemning human rights violations in Crimea, Kyrgyzstan, and Azerbaijan, the European Parliament announced.

Resolution on Annexed Crimea

During its December session, the European Parliament condemned the illegal occupation of Crimea and Sevastopol by Russia on the 11th anniversary of the annexation. According to MEPs, the occupied Crimea is witnessing "serious human rights violations, particularly targeting Crimean Tatars, ethnic Ukrainians, and other ethnic minorities."

"The Parliament highlights political prisoners Iryna Danylovych, Tofik Abdulhazhiyev, and Amet Suleymanov as examples of the persecution of journalists, civil society activists, and human rights defenders by Russian occupiers and demands their immediate and unconditional release," the European Parliament stated.

MEPs also called on the international community to continue the non-recognition policy regarding the illegal annexation of Crimea and to intensify sanctions against those involved in this annexation.

The resolution was adopted with 446 votes in favor, 25 against, and 51 abstentions.

Resolution on the Situation in Kyrgyzstan

During the session, MEPs also expressed concern over attacks by the Kyrgyz government on media representatives and the intimidation of the opposition. They were particularly alarmed by the arrest of journalists, bloggers, and others, including opposition representative Temirlan Sultanbekov.

In the adopted resolution, MEPs urged the Kyrgyz authorities to release detained political officials with full respect for political and civil rights.

"MEPs urgently call on the Kyrgyz government to withdraw the 'False Information Law' and the 'Foreign Representatives Law' and demand that the Kyrgyz authorities refrain from assisting the Russian Federation in evading sanctions imposed on Russia due to its aggressive war against Ukraine," the European Parliament stated.

The resolution was adopted with 492 votes in favor, 28 against, and 41 abstentions.

Resolution on the Situation in Azerbaijan

MEPs also adopted a resolution condemning human rights violations in Azerbaijan. The Parliament called for the unconditional release of human rights defenders, journalists, and political activists persecuted on "fabricated, politically motivated charges."

"MEPs regret that Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu, a finalist for the 2024 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, was not allowed to attend the award ceremony in Strasbourg or connect remotely, and they demand the immediate lifting of the travel ban. Azerbaijani authorities must drop all charges against him and allow him to seek medical treatment abroad," MEPs stated.

The adopted resolution also emphasized that Azerbaijani authorities must end their repression of local media facing systemic harassment.

The resolution was adopted with 434 votes in favor, 30 against, and 89 abstentions.

Source of information: European Parliament

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