Monday, March 10, 2025

New committees will be established in the EP

18.12.2024, 14:14 Update: 30.12.2024, 12:44
Fot. PE
Fot. PE

The European Parliament has approved changes proposed by the Conference of Presidents, establishing two new permanent committees and two special subcommittees. The changes will come into effect in 2025.

The changes will impact the existing Subcommittees on Security and Defence and Public Health. In 2025, two new special committees will also be established: one focused on the "Shield of Democracy" initiative outlined in the Commission’s policy guidelines for 2024–2029, and another addressing the current housing crisis in the EU.

The changes were proposed by President Metsola and the political group leaders in Parliament to address the current challenges facing Europe, as well as the Parliament’s priorities, while also taking into account citizens’ concerns and the outcomes of the European elections.

The composition of the two permanent committees and the two special committees (which should reflect the makeup of the Parliament) will be determined by each political group and the non-attached MEPs. The composition of the committees will then be announced during the plenary session from January 20–23, 2025.

The Subcommittees on Security and Defence and Public Health will cease to exist on the first day of the January plenary session, and all four committees will be formally established on the same day. The chairs and vice-chairs of each committee will be elected during their respective inaugural meetings.

Source of information: European Parliament

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