Monday, February 10, 2025

María Corina Machado and Edmundo González Urrutia awarded 2024 Sakharov Prize

24.10.2024, 11:54 Update: 19.11.2024, 12:30
Fot. European Parliament
Fot. European Parliament

The leader of Venezuela’s democratic forces and the opposition candidate in the July presidential elections will receive the 2024 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought.

Parliament’s President Roberta Metsola announced the winners of the 2024 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought in the chamber on Thursday, following the meeting of the Conference of Presidents, which took the decision.

“The 2024 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought is awarded to María Corina Machado and President-elect Edmundo González Urrutia for their brave fight to restore freedom and democracy in Venezuela. In their quest for a fair, free and peaceful transition of power, they have fearlessly upheld values that millions of Venezuelans and the European Parliament hold so dear: justice, democracy and the rule of law. The European Parliament stands with the people of Venezuela and with María Corina Machado and President-elect Edmundo González Urrutia in their struggle for the democratic future of their country. This award is for them" - said President Metsola.

María Corina Machado was elected as the Venezuelan opposition’s presidential candidate on behalf of the ‘Unity Democratic Platform’ in 2023 but was later disqualified by the regime-controlled National Electoral Council.

Edmundo González Urrutia, a diplomat and politician who succeeded her as the ‘Unity Democratic Platform’ candidate, denounced the Venezuelan government’s failure to publish the official results of the presidential elections and contested Nicolás Maduro’s declared victory. Mr González Urrutia left the country in September after a warrant was issued to arrest him.

The award ceremony for the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought will take place on 18 December in Strasbourg, during Parliament’s plenary session.

Source of information: European Parliament

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