Monday, September 16, 2024

How the next European Parliament president will be elected

30.05.2019, 08:45 Update: 25.06.2019, 09:35
Fot. PE
Fot. PE

The first job of the new European Parliament will be to elect its next president. The European Parliament has prepared a graphic which shows rules the new EP President election.

According regulations the president shall be elected by secret ballot, followed by the Vice-Presidents and the Quaestors.

Nominations shall be with consent of the nominee, and may only be made by a political group or Members reaching at least the low threshold. New nominations may be handed in before each ballot.

If the number of nominations does not exceed the number of seats to be filled, the candidates shall be elected by acclamation, unless Members or a political group or groups reaching at least the high threshold request a secret ballot.

In the event of a single ballot for more than one officer, the ballot paper shall only be valid if more than half of the available votes have been cast.

When electing the President, Vice-Presidents and Quaestors, account should be taken of the need to ensure an overall fair representation of political views, as well as gender and geographical balance.

Źródło: PE



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