Saturday, July 27, 2024

EU invests more than €116 million in nature, environment and climate Strategic Projects

10.03.2023, 11:12 Update: 15.03.2023, 11:22
EC - Audiovisual Service
EC - Audiovisual Service

The European Commission announced today an investment of over €116 million for the new LIFE Programme's Strategic Projects. The funding will help eight major projects in Belgium, Estonia, Spain, Italy, Poland, Slovakia and Finland reach their climate and environmental targets.

The projects are expected to mobilise significant additional funds from other EU funding sources, including agricultural, structural, regional and research funds, in addition to national funds and private sector investment.

Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal  said: „Our nature needs us to step up: the climate crisis, biodiversity loss and pollution have severe effects on nature and ecosystems, putting our food security and economic prosperity at risk. The LIFE Programme has a great track record in helping nature across Europe recover”. 

The projects will help Europe become the world's first climate-neutral continent by 2050 and successfully implement the European Green Deal. They also support the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, the Circular Economy Action Plan, the Zero Pollution Action Plan, the Nature Restoration Law and contribute to a clean energy transition.

The LIFE AFTER COAL PL team will help implement Poland's 'Strategy for Climate Neutrality Eastern Wielkopolska 2040' (RSCN) with a particular focus on the utility and transport sectors. This project aligns with the EU's Climate Law.

As the Wielkopolska Region is coordinating the process of just transition in Eastern Wielkopolska, the regional authority in 2020 developed and in 2021 aproved the key dokument: Strategy for Climate Neutrality Eastern Wielkopolska 2040 (RSCN), which will be a basis for holistic energy transition in all sectors of the economy towards climate neutrality in 2040. The governing body of the Wielkopolska Region is Marshal Office in Poznan.

The LIFE Programme is the EU's funding instrument for the environment and climate action. It has been bringing green ideas to life since 1992 and, to date, has co-financed over 5,500 projects across the EU and in third countries. For the 2021-2027 period, the European Commission has increased LIFE Programme funding by almost 60%, up to €5.4 billion, and included the new clean energy transition sub-programme.



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