Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Application for EU funding for urban space de-concretisation projects has been launched

05.09.2023, 15:09 Update: 27.09.2023, 10:14
Fot. PAP/Grzegorz Michałowski
Fot. PAP/Grzegorz Michałowski

Until 31 October 2023, local government entities and their unions are invited to submit applications under the EU’s FEnIKS programme to receive funding for projects aimed to remove concrete from urban spaces. The minimum amount of support is PLN 500,000, with own contribution of 15 percent of the project value.

The invitation for applications, announced by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management as the implementing authority, is being held within the framework of the European Funds for Infrastructure, Climate, Environment 2021-2027 (FEnIKS) programme – Priority FENX.01 Support to the Energy and Environment Sectors from the Cohesion Fund, Measure FENX.01.05.Nature protection and development of green infrastructure Type FENX.01.05.5b Green and blue infrastructure with relevant facilities – revitalisation (de-concretisation) of urban areas CALL NO. FENX.01.05-IW.01-001/23.

What can be subsidised

The purpose of the call is to finance projects involving the unsealing of impermeable surfaces (de-concretisation) and the restoration of vegetation on these surfaces to native soil, resulting in the creation of landscaped areas, including with blue infrastructure, which promote the conservation and protection of biodiversity.

Support may be granted to projects implemented in urban areas, involving the unsealing of impermeable surfaces – ‘de-concretisation’ and restoring vegetation on these surfaces to native soil, resulting in the creation of landscaped areas, including blue infrastructure, to encourage the conservation and protection of biodiversity. ‘De-concretisation’ involves the removal of concrete, asphalt and other surface soil seals, as well as the replacement of soils that have become impermeable as a result of chemical sealing as well as the replacement or aerification of consolidated substrates.

The following activities, among others, are eligible for funding under the projects: civil works and disposal costs for materials resulting from the unsealing of impervious surfaces; soil replacement/replenishment; rainwater management systems; planting of perennial vegetation; elements of blue infrastructure; maintenance of existing trees and shrubs; removal of poisonous, noxious or invasive plant species and their replacement with suitable native species; solutions to increase biodiversity (e.g. nest boxes, permanent insect houses, green fences; construction of composting bins); water-permeable surfaces used in park settings; elements of infrastructure for the provision of greenery (e.g. pedestrian and cycle paths, bicycle racks, paths, benches, litter bins, lighting infrastructure); educational activities to raise the environmental awareness of the public regarding the scope of the project (educational classes, information boards, apps, spots, websites).

Support will not be provided for: maintenance work: e.g. seasonal mowing of lawns and roadsides, trimming of hedges, branches, planting and maintenance of flower beds and planting beds, autumn leaf cleaning, etc.; landscape architecture structures: public toilets, children’s playgrounds, outdoor gyms, water curtains, fences, footbridges, bridges, garden sheds, flower pots; reclamation of chemically sealed soils; publications, brochures, leaflets, gadgets.

Who can apply for funding under the call

Entities authorised to submit applications are: local government entities and their unions, organisational units acting on behalf of local government entities and entities providing public services in the fulfilment of the local government entities’ own tasks.

According to the call for proposals, only towns and cities with more than 20,000 residents and capital cities of districts with 15,000-20,000 residents can apply for funding. Inter-municipal associations may be a beneficiary, but ‘de-concretisation’ must apply to individual cities, not their unions.

Amounts and deadlines

The amount of funds allocated for co-financing projects under the call for proposals is PLN 40 million. The minimum amount of project co-financing is PLN 500 thousand. The current version of the Detailed Description of Priorities of the European Funds for Infrastructure, Climate, Environment 2021-2027 programme does not specify a maximum amount of project co-financing for measure FENX.01.05.

The level of project co-financing reaches a maximum of 85 percent of eligible expenditure. Financial support under the measure is provided in the form of non-repayable financial aid.

Applications for funding must only be submitted electronically using the WOD2021 application until 31.10.2023 at 11.59 p.m. Proposals received after this deadline will not be considered.



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